Given the consistent results I've got with my previous modification, I've dared a little more.
I fitted some cheap pipe insulators in the remaining slots of the radiator grill:
The lower insulator is kept in place by pressure from the license plate, while I fixed the upper one with a couple plastic ties.
I was worried this type of insulation will prevent the engine from refreshing and will cause it to overheat.
As a stress test, I drove for an hour on various medium/high speed roads and some steep hills.
Even though the weather was sunny and the ambient temperature was 7 degress, coolant temperature reached 90 degrees and didn't go any further.
Countless times I've found solutions on the net: I'll try to give back some, by sharing interesting things I'll come across.
Covering the Yaris radiator
Low temperature causes higher fuel consumption, so I tried an old trick.
In a car accessory shop, I've found and old Fiat 127 radiator rubber cover. The owner was pleased to sell it to me at a discounted price, since he said nobody uses it anymore.
Colour and size are just fine for the Yaris.
I just had to cut some holes to fit 3 plastic cable ties to grab it to the rear mask.
There are even some windows that can be opened to regulate air flow in warmer days.
Results are encouraging.
In a car accessory shop, I've found and old Fiat 127 radiator rubber cover. The owner was pleased to sell it to me at a discounted price, since he said nobody uses it anymore.
Colour and size are just fine for the Yaris.
I just had to cut some holes to fit 3 plastic cable ties to grab it to the rear mask.
There are even some windows that can be opened to regulate air flow in warmer days.
Results are encouraging.
Yaris 12V again
It seems that even the older Yaris has a 12V clamp in the hood that can be used for jump starting the car.
According to this Spanish forum:It's possible to use the highlighted connector in the HV fuse box that carries the +12V from the battery.
The bolt in the lower right corner can be used for the negative clamp.
Checking the 12V battery from the OBD port
The OBD port, located under the steering wheel, carries a +12V line from the battery.
It can be used to check battery charge without opening anything.
Just put your tester terminals on pins 4 and 16:
It can be used to check battery charge without opening anything.
Just put your tester terminals on pins 4 and 16:
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